Skin Script MSM Benefits

Skin Script MSM Benefits

Sulphur seems to be important in the strength and maintenance of joint tissue, especially cartilage.
Since sulphur is a significant component of MSM, one possible benefit of MSM is in the treatment of joint problems such as sports injuries, osteoarthritis and tendonitis. MSM also helps reduce inflammation [source: MSM Guide].

Many people with joint injuries or early signs of osteoarthritis take supplements such as glucosamine sulphate or chondroitin in an effort to stave off further joint damage [source: Shiel]. Although its benefits have not been proven, you might also be able to use MSM this way – either as a supplement or as a topical rub on the skin of the affected joint [sources: Mayo Clinic, MSM Guide].

It’s important to note that oral MSM is not an acute pain remedy. Patients and doctors alike hope that MSM helps the body’s own repair and maintenance systems work better. Many patients have however found almost immediate relief of pain and swelling after topical application of a rub that contains at least 30% MSM.An improved quality of life may be the biggest benefit of topical application of MSM Rub due to its pain relieving effect.